
Showing posts from August, 2022

A Handbook on Buying Art: For the Millennials

 Summary - Within a budget you set, you can buy paintings and art online and sell them after enjoying them for some time. For more details, visit the blog and learn more about paintings. Are you a first-time art buyer? What should you purchase? What is the ultimate impact on you your investments? Today, in this digital world, forget purchasing real estate-"art" is the millennial's idea of producing prosperity, purchasing art from the Art Gallery in New Delhi . During the 80s and 90s, the generation was the largest labor generation in India. With better education than that generation earned some wealth for the next generation in line, In the 20th and 21st centuries, the new generations were entrepreneurs, freelancers, employers, or people who loved art collecting. They are the people who view art as a monetary asset rather than the 40-to-60s people. In fact, Millennials are expected to pass on massive wealth to their children! Myth 1: I Don’t Understand Anything About Art ...